Who am I?

Hi! I’m Willow. If you’re reading this, you probably already know who I am, but if you happened to stumble across this blog without knowing me personally, welcome! I’m a trans and queer biology and computer science student that’s always had a passion for various kinds of music - lately a lot of experimental electronic and hip-hop. :3

What is this?

It’s a blog. About music. Run by me (Willow). Next question.

Why am I doing this?

I’ve decided that it’s high time that I start listening to music in a more intentional manner than I have in the past. I want to appreciate™ the music I listen to, and what better way to do that than by forcing myself to digest it enough to be able to write something interesting about it? I also don’t really know too many people with music tastes similar to mine (yes, I’m not like the other girls) and thought putting some content out there would be a great way to change that!

Closing thoughts

All in all — I’m super excited to embark on this journey with y’all. Feedback is always welcome and encouraged, whether it be on my writing style, a musical connection I missed, or suggestions on what to write about next!
